- Description: The nineteen-faced Rudraksha bead, known as the Unnis Mukhi Rudraksha, features nineteen distinct faces (mukhi), symbolizing the nineteen incarnations of Lord Vishnu. It is revered for its ability to bring divine protection and blessings.
- Symbolism: Symbolizes the nineteen incarnations of Lord Vishnu, the nineteen Kalas or divine attributes, and the nineteen Matrikas or goddesses. Represents divine protection, blessings, and spiritual evolution. Associated with the planet Sun and brings energy, vitality, and divine grace.
- Benefits: Provides divine protection, blessings, and guidance from Lord Vishnu. Enhances spiritual evolution, devotion, and divine connection. Promotes physical and mental well-being, vitality, and strength.
- How to Wear + Day: Can be worn as a pendant or incorporated into jewelry. It is recommended to wear it on Sunday, the day associated with the Sun, after purifying it with mantra chanting and rituals.
Category: Rudraksh
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