
  1. Description: The eleven-faced Rudraksha bead, known as the Gyarah Mukhi Rudraksha, features eleven distinct faces (mukhi), symbolizing the eleven Rudras or manifestations of Lord Shiva. It is revered for its protective and healing properties.
  2. Symbolism: Symbolizes the eleven Rudras and the eleven forms of Lord Shiva. Represents protection, healing, and spiritual awakening. Associated with the planet Jupiter and brings wisdom, prosperity, and divine blessings.
  3. Benefits: Protects from negative energies, obstacles, and diseases. Promotes healing on physical, mental, and spiritual levels. Enhances wisdom, intuition, and spiritual growth.
  4. How to Wear + Day: Can be worn as a pendant or incorporated into jewelry. It is recommended to wear it on Thursday, the day associated with Jupiter, after purifying it with mantra chanting and rituals.


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